9 nov. 20214 minuten om te lezen
When AI-driven decisions are acceptable to clients ànd Risk & Compliance
Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms are commonly used in many sectors. Yet, many financial services companies still apply AI very...
9 nov. 20213 minuten om te lezen
Become a true Data Driven Organization
In Commercial Banking it is increasingly important that business processes are digital, data-driven, and can leverage AI. In the current...
9 nov. 20214 minuten om te lezen
Create an intimate customer relationship whilst keeping a ‘social distance’
Customers are looking for a genuinely emphatic connection while having to come to terms with the 1,5-metre-economy. This poses a...
9 nov. 20214 minuten om te lezen
Ethical Data Analytics – what every business needs to know
Every company has customer data. The question is, what can they do with it? Which activities lie within the bounds of legal and ethical...
9 nov. 20215 minuten om te lezen
Ethical Data Analytics II - Incorporate ethics into the design of data projects
Download the Quick Scan Framework and assess your own data project.
9 nov. 20215 minuten om te lezen
Meer succes met AI in de zakelijke financiële dienstverlening door Expert-based Learning
Zakelijke financiële dienstverleners kunnen veelal de efficiëntie en resultaten van hun processen aanzienlijk verbeteren. Met een...